Joint Ventures

Paragon builds and grows great businesses, accelerating their ambition to achieve their potential.


Our vision is a world where we build and grow great businesses, accelerating their ambitions to achieve their potential and benefit their employees, customers, and the wider community.

About Us

Paragon builds and grows great businesses, accelerating their ambitions to achieve their potential and benefit their employees, customers, and the wider community.

Paragon is a team of operating managers.  We believe in being in the ‘Gemba’.  A Japanese term for working on the ground with the team, in the marketplace with our customers and hands on in our approach to build and scale the businesses.

We are not a private equity company, and don’t behave or act like private equity.  We are not MBA type business investors, although we have access to a lot of this talent. 

We help SME businesses who lack the time, knowledge, skills, resources, network, and succession plan to scale. Businesses benefit from our proven track record in scaling businesses as well as access to our best-in-class talent across leadership and vision, culture, sales, marketing, and operations. Combining these factors with our world leading lean processes, and strong financial management provides the companies that we invest in with the confidence to take the next step in their journey.

The Challenges Our Customers Face

  • You are entrepreneurial with an excellent product or service but are not sure how to maximise your potential

  • You lack the knowledge to scale and require investment

  • Your business lacks the skills to scale your business

  • You are shut off from accessing new markets and contracts

  • You lack resources

  • You don’t have a strong network

  • You are retiring

  • You do not have efficient processes

  • You do not have efficient processes and lack the flexibility to scale

Why Us

  • We have 15+ years’ experience and have a proven track record of scaling up businesses fast. We have successfully taken companies into new territories across five continents and 26 countries, including all 50 US states.

  • Paragon has an extensive network of suppliers, distributors, dealer networks, partners, joint ventures, and talent which is growing everyday across all territories. We have partnerships and joint ventures with publicly listed companies, government agencies and internationally renowned companies.

  • We were trained in Japan on Lean manufacturing principles originated from the Toyota Production System (TPS). As Lean thought leaders, learn the processes that we have implemented and embed it across your business to minimise waste and significantly enhance efficiencies.

  • Every company that we work with is unique and has different requirements. We provide investment, resources, and expertise to suit those requirements and drive strategic and operational transformation.

  • We can provide you with access to all the expertise and talent to accelerate your growth and help you achieve your vision on the next step of your journey.

  • We are ISO 9001:2015 accredited and believe that you “can’t inject quality into finished goods.” By establishing a Quality Assurance (QA) program on the front end, we avoid Quality Control (QC) challenges that lead to increased costs and potential financial exposure for the customer.

  • We are compliant and adhere to the most stringent regulations such as the Food and Drug Administration and Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and Medical Device Directive (MDD), Food and Drug Administration and Environmental Standards including ISO 14001.

  • We believe in sustainability by creating products using economically-sound processes that minimise negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. This is reflected in our alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Benefits of Working With Us

Contact us.
+44 28 7772 5263 / +1 (905) 507 9007131

Paragon, Carnamuff Road, Limavady, Northern Ireland, BT49 9JG